Troubleshooting the P.H.I.

  1. Make sure LED power light is active (located on upper rim of the P.H.I.). If light is not active, ensure the switch on the right of the dome has been activated. If there is still no power, ensure that the correct voltage is being used (115 volts). Finally, ensure that the power adapter fits accurately in the base box.
  2. If the P.H.I. has power but no sound, you should check your MIDI status LED on your MIDI module. If there is no activity, ensure that the MIDI cable is connected to MIDI-out on the base box and MIDI-in on your MIDI module. If problem persists, ensure the P.H.I. is transmitting on the same channel that the MIDI module is receiving. (Refer to screen instructions on how to set the channel).
  3. If a note is sustaining indefinitely or for an unusual length, you should reset the P.H.I..
  4. By striking a Note on the P.H.I., there is a delay before the sound is heard. This problem is known as latency. This only occurs when using the P.H.I. with the PC. When MIDI data enters the software program you are using, certain processing needs to be completed before a sound is actually heard. The solution to this problem is through use of a soundcard that supports Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO), such as the recommended M-Audio Fast TrackPro. Using such an interface creates a direct communication between your software and soundcard, so that there is reduced processing and hence no perceivable latency.
  5. If you are having problems with the screen simply press the reset button.
  6. If problems still exist contact P.H.I. technical support at or power-off and on and repeat the troubleshooting steps.